Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A New Economic Revolution - Utopia!

By British Writer & Entrepreneur Tina Jesson

I have had the luxury of working from home for the last 10 years, even when I was corporately employed, before setting up my own businesses. I’m certainly 100% more efficient than working from an office and there are other benefits...

It seems to me that with technology being so widely available it doesn’t matter what continent you are on, let along what building you are in, to switch on the laptop or answer the mobile phone.

As more and more people are leaving corporate world and choosing to start up their new business rather than face months on benefits, the environmental benefits will become ever more noticeable.

No more pre packaged lunches, or paper coffee cups or water buts required here, when everything is at hand in the home kitchen. To save costs, home based businesses will automatically reduce the paper in the system as they choose to work online. Web 2.0 technologies means more and more information is stored off site on hosted solutions, taking way the overhead of printing everything out hard copy.

It’s the corporations that will get left behind. Maybe they should be thinking more about right sizing than downsizing and taking the lead from those of us, whose whole way of life needs to change for pure survival.

When you think about it, this new breed of home based business and home based worker means that there’s less over-crowding in our cities, so you can start to get the lifestyle you want and move out of town. It’s like the cottage industries of the pre industrial revolution. With such a movement happening by osmosis, this back to basic living, we may well develop a new utopia. Becoming more self sufficient, not lonely, but part of a truly worldwide community, growing our own veg and having chicken in the run and the windmill in the yard creating energy to feedback in to the grid.

Using technologies and our collective knowledge in a much more cost efficient, energy efficient, global community way. This new economic revolution as President Obama called it. Life will never be quite the same again.

Who says miracles don’t happen?

" - Tina Jesson is the ONLY British female speaker, writer & trainer who helps solo-preneurial businesses to equip them to achieve maximum visibility, in the fastest and most cost efficient way possible."
Author of 'How to Play the Property Game' and 'The Solo-preneurial Marketeer' and founder of the British Academy of Solo-preneurs