Monday, April 20, 2009

Life before the banking system – the art of bartering

Businesses are deciding to trade with each other in a totally new and inventive way - by trading skills and services. Stage left the act of bartering, last seen before coinage and the banking system was even invented. Contra deals and the new practise of swishing is how many small businesses, solo-preneurs and individuals are surviving in a weak economy where the $dollar is illusive.

There have been reports of Website developers are trading website development in exchange of the services of their clients, such as singing lessons or access to a client database; hair dressers swopping a expensive hair treatments for advertising and groups of women trading nearly new outfits with each other.

Shows and events are starting to use conta deals to fill last minute booths, as they find it harder to fill the space by conventional means. A contra deal is based on the whole idea of swapping out one ‘this’ that the other wants needs and values.

Barter Groups are springing up everywhere as companies club together and place a value on time, product and service, to establish a common valuation system which can be traded across the group rather than just one on one so that if they don’t find a direct match for what they want in return, it can be facilitated through the group as a whole.

Using a barter or swapping strategy means that businesses can continue to develop and grow and stay in the running where they might have otherwise fallen along the way side, ceased trading or been prevented from evolving to meet the new economy.

The great thing about the small solo-prereneurial business is the ability to modify the way the business works to accommodate this model in the act of the survival. “Life will find a way" as Jeff Goldblum's character knew too well in Jurassic Park. Business will find a way of sustaining a livelihood.

Give bartering and contra deals, a go. You'll keep busy, get you more growth opportunities AND build some very strong business relationships along the way. The stronger your bond with your potential clients and advocates, the more business you will win. The business with the strongest relationships will take it all.
Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator and

"Tina Jesson is the ONLY British female speaker, writer & trainer who helps solo-preneurial businesses to equip them to achieve maximum 'million dollar visibility', in the fastest and most cost efficient way possible, to achieve ‘client magnet’ status & create more wealth. Don't be the best kept secret - get The Visibility Creator."

Author of 'How to Play the Property Game' and 'The Solo-preneurial Marketeer'
Founder of &
Tina Jesson Enterprises LLC

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