Thursday, July 9, 2009

Green Fest - Indy 2010 : Call for Speakers & Sponsors

For Immediate Release
July 9, 2009

Phone 317-641-1919 Fax 765-676-5344

Green Fest Expos is proud to announce that on March 12-13, 2010, we will be hosting the First Annual Green Fest – Indy. It is our wish to have green your company join us that weekend and help bring the facts about “Being Green” to the families of Indianapolis.

This event will be held at the State Fairgrounds in the Toyota Exposition Hall.

We are taking Early Bird Registration from companies wishing to exhibit and sponsor and from industry speakers.

Call 317-641-1919 and leave your contact information. We will send out a packet ASAP and if you have any questions, we will be glad to return your call.

Sponsorship packages are available at varying levels. This information will be included in your packets.

We are also interested in hosting educational workshops in conjunction with this event. If you have any interest in participating is this portion of the event, please let us know when you call.


Tina Jesson, Bill Mentgen, Kelly McNulty
Green Fest Expos

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

For women who love to swap

For women who love to swap

By Siobhan Courtney BBC News - full story here

Siobhan Courtney is invited to her first swishing party
Want a new outfit but loath to splash out when every penny counts? A swishing party is a swap shop for the smart set.

"Everyone's swapping now, darling - it's so fashionable".

I nod at the immaculately turned-out girl flipping through hangers in a furious frenzy. I'm at my first swishing party at a beautiful Georgian house in East London.

Swishing is a growing trend, where a gaggle of fashion-loving women get together, feast on nibbles, guzzle wine and swap their clothes. Eco-fabulous recycling at its best.

It says on the invitation that everyone must bring at least one clean, good quality item of clothing to donate to the rails, but people can leave with as many items as they wish. Is this fair if someone brings just one item but sashays away with a handful of designer clothes?

My own donation is a skirt that cost £50 that I've worn once - hopefully someone will love it enough to give it a new home.

Worn again

The dictionary defines swishing as "to rustle, as silk" but Lucy Shea, strategy director of green PR firm Futerra, has applied the term to clothes swapping parties - similar in concept to Tupperware parties of yore.

Bring at least one item of clothing
No claiming items before the swish opens
No fighting over clothes
Women have swapped clothes for eons, and the success of eBay shows that women will happily bid for someone else's cast-offs. But that costs, and swishing is free.

After an hour of browsing - "of course I don't mind if you try this on," says more than one woman through gritted teeth - it's time to swish. All 40 of us step away from the rails as Lucy outlines the rules: "Remember ladies: no scratching, no spitting, no biting. Three, two, one - SWISH."

We all surge forward, a steely glint in many an eye. Several people make a grab for the same top; another two swap high-fives as they clutch their chosen items; and one woman looks devastated as another snatches a green tweed jacket from her hands.

But mostly the party-goers bond as they haggle over clothes. A trio huddle over a royal blue scarf, earnestly discussing whether or not someone with blue eyes suits it. The verdict, eventually, is no.

Reduce, reuse

Geraldine Brennan, a recent arrival from South Africa, is all for swishing. "Why not recycle - it's like passing good energy on. Not only are you saving the planet but you get a new wardrobe."

Why spend £100 on a new pair of shoes when you can come to a swishing party and get them for free?

Lucy Shea
Traid, the textile recycling charity, says 900,000 tonnes of shoes and clothing are thrown away every year in the UK. A clothes swapping party - whether an official swishing event or a DIY affair - can go some way to reducing this total.

Lucy adds although women love to shop, many feel guilty about splashing out on new clothes.

"Swishing parties are particularly significant in the current economic climate - why spend £100 on a new pair of shoes when you can come to a swishing party and get them for free? And, the best thing is you can have some glasses of wine, nibbles and make new friends who like you love fashion."

She has swishing hosted parties in New York as well as London, and says that the Americans are more ruthless than the mild-mannered Brits.

While some leave the party having hit the fashion jackpot, others come away empty-handed - much like a trawl around the High Street, but with the advantage of no cash outlay. As for my skirt, it looks far better on its new owner than it ever did on me. And in exchange, I can now add a silk and lace grey camisole to my wardrobe.

If you are interested in running a swishing party or have been to one - we'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What Are the Local Impacts of Climate Change?

A Public Round Table Discussion...

Environment America and the Richard G. Lugar Center for Renewable Energy at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) will host a public round table event to discuss a recent report released by the U.S. Global Change Research Program on the impacts of climate change in the U.S. Expert speakers will give their reactions to the report and talk about the impacts of climate change from their individual perspectives.

420 University Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Panelists: Bill Keith, President, SunRise Solar
Reverend Mike Mather, Broadway United Methodist Church
Dr. Gabriel Filippelli, Chair, Department of Earth Science, IUPUI
Jimmy Bricker, County Extension Director, Benton County
Representative, Truman National Security Project

Parking and Directions:

Access to report:

LuCinda Hohmann, Environment America: 312-291-0696 x220
Kyle Cline, Richard Lugar Center for Renewable Energy: 317-278-4723

Green Energy NOW!

Hoosier Environmental Council Announces the Launch of our First-Ever Video Contest!

Hoosier Environmental Council has launched a video contest for this summer and fall, coinciding with movement of major energy/global warming legislation in Congress (a historic bill just passed out of the House last week!)

The contest is called Green Energy NOW! and the goal is to find out what Hoosiers are doing to fight global warming in their daily lives and why/how they are advocating for green energy/climate action (personally and/or legislatively) – in new and creative ways (online videos).

Prizes will be awarded for the four videos that are:
- the funniest: $200 prize
- the most creatively produced: $200 prize
- the most thoughtful/well-researched: $200 prize
- the HEC favorite (GRAND prize): $500 prize
- All participants will receive an HEC organic cotton t-shirt and window decal...

You can make your video with a video-camera, a webcam, your cell phone, or post an image slideshow/presentation with music/voiceover. Keep your video under 3 minutes and upload it to the contest's YouTube page:

After you’ve uploaded your video, send your name, contact information (email and phone number) and the title of your video to Ms. Alex Eaks ( We need your info to send you your t-shirt/decal and to notify you if your video is a winner!

The contest begins June 30 and ends August 24; winners will be announced on HEC’s website and the YouTube page on August 31 and contacted personally to arrange receipt of prizes.

For video ideas, software resources, and official contest rules, download these guidelines

Spread the news about this contest to your friends/family. This is a great way to keep the energy/climate conversation going - but in a more creative and personal way. Our relationship with the environment runs deeper than legislation - what's your story?

Hoosier Environmental Council website contest page

Tina Jesson is founder of the British Academy of Solopreneurs