Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Green Energy NOW!

Hoosier Environmental Council Announces the Launch of our First-Ever Video Contest!

Hoosier Environmental Council has launched a video contest for this summer and fall, coinciding with movement of major energy/global warming legislation in Congress (a historic bill just passed out of the House last week!)

The contest is called Green Energy NOW! and the goal is to find out what Hoosiers are doing to fight global warming in their daily lives and why/how they are advocating for green energy/climate action (personally and/or legislatively) – in new and creative ways (online videos).

Prizes will be awarded for the four videos that are:
- the funniest: $200 prize
- the most creatively produced: $200 prize
- the most thoughtful/well-researched: $200 prize
- the HEC favorite (GRAND prize): $500 prize
- All participants will receive an HEC organic cotton t-shirt and window decal...

You can make your video with a video-camera, a webcam, your cell phone, or post an image slideshow/presentation with music/voiceover. Keep your video under 3 minutes and upload it to the contest's YouTube page:

After you’ve uploaded your video, send your name, contact information (email and phone number) and the title of your video to Ms. Alex Eaks ( We need your info to send you your t-shirt/decal and to notify you if your video is a winner!

The contest begins June 30 and ends August 24; winners will be announced on HEC’s website and the YouTube page on August 31 and contacted personally to arrange receipt of prizes.

For video ideas, software resources, and official contest rules, download these guidelines

Spread the news about this contest to your friends/family. This is a great way to keep the energy/climate conversation going - but in a more creative and personal way. Our relationship with the environment runs deeper than legislation - what's your story?

Hoosier Environmental Council website contest page

Tina Jesson is founder of the British Academy of Solopreneurs

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