Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Accidentally Green

“More than I realized.” admits Tina Jesson, founder of The British Academy of Solopreneurs – who admits to ‘going green’ more by accident than by design…

"I’ve realized that over the last couple of years I have been slowly going greener, one step at a time. I think I'm just more aware. Maybe it's due to the green message being everywhere; in the papers, on the TV and more and more green and eco businesses setting up. I'm convinced green living is something that society in general will evolve into. To be less wasteful and save money. Why not?"

So what are the little things Tina does differently now?
• Washing clothes at 30 degrees c – it’s simple and saves time and money. The wash cycle is shorter and I use less energy
• Using a concentrated natural biodegradable laundry liquid. One made from Aloe Vera is great as it’s really soapy but contains no phosphates and being concentrated I use so little one container lasts for 6 months so less in land fill.
• Using a tumble ball in the tumble dryer. Yes I still use the tumble dryer but with a re-useable ball which saves using fabric softener in the washing machine, so doesn’t pollute the water
• Recycle as much packaging as I can and don't buy over packaged items
• I have always taken my never used items to the charity store. That way I know it’s going to be reused when I’ve finished with it
• I car share when I’m out and about with work colleagues. I like driving so I often drive other people around
• I've found a great hair dresser who only uses eco-friendly products and that's kind to me as well as the planet. No bleach, no carcinogenic chemicals. (Contact: Suz Haire, The Studio Salon and spa, 5501 E 71st # 6 Indianapolis, IN 46220 Call 317-40-7894)

Now I live in the US I pay for a re-cycling service. That’s seems odd to me because in the UK we didn’t pay extra, but then our waste was only taken away once every 2 weeks. It certainly made me more aware. Coming from a small island like Britain, we’re all but out of landfill, so recycling is more a way of life. I am surprised that trash firms don't promote the recycling services more though.

In this economy, businesses, large and small will start to look at saving resources and being less wasteful to save money and that will have a positive impact on environmental issues.

Businesses and lifestyles are changing with people from all walks of life becoming more aware of environmental issues and doing their part. For me, going green is all about small adjustments rather than drastic changes and I’ve already managed to go that bit greener in my home and work life without really noticing it at all.
(Based on ‘Accidentally Green’ a seminar presented by Tina Jesson at BBC Summer Festival 2008, Birmingham UK)

See Tina’s FREE video by going to

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