Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Husbands Helping Hands

Is your husband a domestic god?! Or are YOU a domestic god! UK daily newspaper is looking for an article in which we take a look at the fact that more men are becoming involved in domestic chores and childcare at home, either because they’re now working more at home or are looking for work as a result of the credit crunch. This will be very light hearted and fun. US newspapers would possibly pick this up too.

“My husband has always been very good around the home, helping in collecting the children from school and doing the weekly shop. He’s very good at the shopping because unlike me, he ONLY buys what’s on the list and when we are watching the expenses, he gets sent out.
He also has ‘his only’ chores like taking out the rubbish/trash, which is great WHEN he remembers.”

Well guys, are you available to more help around the home or are you having to stay at the office longer and work harder because of the recession.

Your case studies are welcome.

Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator

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