Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Recession Is Dead?

An international magazine celebrating the intersection of business and innovation, seeks to change the current dour economic narrative.

Do you agree that the press ALWAYS makes things ‘all doom and gloom?”

Like mushrooms in the dark, innovation tends to sprout during recessions.

We’re seeing it all around us - from the labs brewing diesel from algae, to the guys in the garage building new breeds of tidal turbines and more efficient combustion engines, to the woman in California making sex space suits (oh, and a new type of rocket technology).

History’s repeating itself. Innovation is brimming. So we’d like to skip the moping around part and move right on to kick-ass enterprising.

President Obama noted in his inaugural address that our products and services are needed as much today as they were last week, last month and last year, and that our freedom and prosperity rely on the risk-takers, the doers and the makers of things. Why, then, are we gazing at our collective navels?

Interested in interviewing economists and business leaders for a story on economic optimism. Want to hear some hope. Want reaffirmation in our belief in compassionate capitalism.

Sir Richard Branson has said the recession will provide “massive” opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Many are now seeing setting up in business as an alternative to trying to get hired. I certainly think there is a great opportunity for training and consultancy firms. It’s also a good time to buy property and any asset based company right now if you have cash in the bank.
What do you think?

Tina Jesson – The Visibility Creator www.tinajesson.com

speaker, trainer and consultancy for marketing yourself, your services and your company in a difficult market

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