Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Date for the Diary - Green Fest - Indy 2010

Green Fest Expos is proud to announce that on March 26,27,28th 2010, we will be hosting the

First Annual Green Fest – Indy 2010

You and your green company are welcome to join us that weekend and help bring the facts about “Being Green” to the families of Indianapolis. This event is open to the public
The event will be held at the State Fairgrounds in the Toyota Exposition Hall.
We are taking Early Bird Registration now.

Call 317-641-1919 and leave your contact information. We will send out a packet ASAP and if you have any questions, we will be glad to return your call. Sponsorship packages are available at varying levels. This information will be included in your packets.

We are also interested in hosting educational workshops in conjunction with this event. If you have any interest in participating as a speaker or if your organization would like to sponsor a segment of the show, please let us know when you call.

We are also looking for a selection of bands/musicians and singers who may be interested in performing. If you know anyone, please get in touch.
The Friday will be focused on business to business and speakers will be talking about issues affecting businesses in the state.

Sat & Sun will be aimed at general public attendance

We expect up to 10,000 attendees over the 3 days

Help us to Take Green Mainstream, educate the public and provide a forum of see, try, buy for our vendors and visitors

Thank you for all of you who have shown an interest to date. Exhibitor and sponsorship packs are under development and will be out shortly.

Please leave your contact details on 317 - 641 - 1919 or email me direct at

Tina Jesson
Show Producer
Green Fest Expos

The Art of Swishing - For women who love to swap

The latest trend from the UK hits the USA.
Want a new outfit but loath to splash out when every penny counts? A swishing party is a swap shop for the smart set.
"Everyone's swapping now, darling - it's so....... fashionable".

Swishing is a growing trend, where a gaggle of fashion-loving women get together, feast on nibbles, guzzle wine and swap their clothes.
Eco-fabulous recycling at its best.

It says on the invitation that everyone must bring at least one clean, good quality item of clothing to donate to the rails, but people can leave with as many items as they wish. Is this fair if someone brings just one item but sashays away with a handful of designer clothes?
Worn again

The dictionary defines swishing as "to rustle, as silk" but Lucy Shea, strategy director of green PR firm Futerra, has applied the term to clothes swapping parties - similar in concept to Tupperware parties of yore.


Bring at least one item of clothing
No claiming items before the swish opens
No fighting over clothes
Women have swapped clothes for eons, and the success of eBay shows that women will happily bid for someone else's cast-offs.
But that costs, and swishing is free.

After an hour of browsing - "of course I don't mind if you try this on," says more than one woman through gritted teeth - it's time to swish. Everyone steps away from the rails as the host repeats the rules: "Remember ladies: no scratching, no spitting, no biting. Three, two, one - SWISH."

Everyone surges forward, a steely glint in many an eye. Several people make a grab for the same item; another two swap high-fives as they clutch their chosen items; and one woman looks devastated as another snatches an item from within her grasp.

But mostly the party-goers bond as they haggle over clothes.

Reduce, reuse
Why not recycle - it's like passing good energy on. Not only are you saving the planet but you get a new wardrobe.

900,000 tonnes of shoes and clothing are thrown away every year in the UK. A clothes swapping party - whether an official swishing event or a DIY affair - can go some way to reducing this total.

Although women love to shop, many feel guilty about splashing out on new clothes.

Swishing parties are particularly significant in the current economic climate - why spend $100’s on a new outfit when you can come to a swishing party and get one for free? And, the best thing is you can have some glasses of wine, nibbles and make new friends who like you love fashion.

Swishing parties have been held in New York as well as London, and the Americans are more ruthless than the mild-mannered Brits.

While some leave the party having hit the fashion jackpot, others come away empty-handed - much like a trawl around the High Street, but with the advantage of no cash outlay.

If you are interested in coming to the first swishing party in Indianapolis to update your wardrobe both in an economic and eco-friendly way for this Autumn, the call Tina Jesson on 317 564 4619

Accidentally Green

“More than I realized.” admits Tina Jesson, founder of The British Academy of Solopreneurs – who admits to ‘going green’ more by accident than by design…

"I’ve realized that over the last couple of years I have been slowly going greener, one step at a time. I think I'm just more aware. Maybe it's due to the green message being everywhere; in the papers, on the TV and more and more green and eco businesses setting up. I'm convinced green living is something that society in general will evolve into. To be less wasteful and save money. Why not?"

So what are the little things Tina does differently now?
• Washing clothes at 30 degrees c – it’s simple and saves time and money. The wash cycle is shorter and I use less energy
• Using a concentrated natural biodegradable laundry liquid. One made from Aloe Vera is great as it’s really soapy but contains no phosphates and being concentrated I use so little one container lasts for 6 months so less in land fill.
• Using a tumble ball in the tumble dryer. Yes I still use the tumble dryer but with a re-useable ball which saves using fabric softener in the washing machine, so doesn’t pollute the water
• Recycle as much packaging as I can and don't buy over packaged items
• I have always taken my never used items to the charity store. That way I know it’s going to be reused when I’ve finished with it
• I car share when I’m out and about with work colleagues. I like driving so I often drive other people around
• I've found a great hair dresser who only uses eco-friendly products and that's kind to me as well as the planet. No bleach, no carcinogenic chemicals. (Contact: Suz Haire, The Studio Salon and spa, 5501 E 71st # 6 Indianapolis, IN 46220 Call 317-40-7894)

Now I live in the US I pay for a re-cycling service. That’s seems odd to me because in the UK we didn’t pay extra, but then our waste was only taken away once every 2 weeks. It certainly made me more aware. Coming from a small island like Britain, we’re all but out of landfill, so recycling is more a way of life. I am surprised that trash firms don't promote the recycling services more though.

In this economy, businesses, large and small will start to look at saving resources and being less wasteful to save money and that will have a positive impact on environmental issues.

Businesses and lifestyles are changing with people from all walks of life becoming more aware of environmental issues and doing their part. For me, going green is all about small adjustments rather than drastic changes and I’ve already managed to go that bit greener in my home and work life without really noticing it at all.
(Based on ‘Accidentally Green’ a seminar presented by Tina Jesson at BBC Summer Festival 2008, Birmingham UK)

See Tina’s FREE video by going to

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Green Fest - Indy 2010 : Call for Speakers & Sponsors

For Immediate Release
July 9, 2009

Phone 317-641-1919 Fax 765-676-5344

Green Fest Expos is proud to announce that on March 12-13, 2010, we will be hosting the First Annual Green Fest – Indy. It is our wish to have green your company join us that weekend and help bring the facts about “Being Green” to the families of Indianapolis.

This event will be held at the State Fairgrounds in the Toyota Exposition Hall.

We are taking Early Bird Registration from companies wishing to exhibit and sponsor and from industry speakers.

Call 317-641-1919 and leave your contact information. We will send out a packet ASAP and if you have any questions, we will be glad to return your call.

Sponsorship packages are available at varying levels. This information will be included in your packets.

We are also interested in hosting educational workshops in conjunction with this event. If you have any interest in participating is this portion of the event, please let us know when you call.


Tina Jesson, Bill Mentgen, Kelly McNulty
Green Fest Expos

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

For women who love to swap

For women who love to swap

By Siobhan Courtney BBC News - full story here

Siobhan Courtney is invited to her first swishing party
Want a new outfit but loath to splash out when every penny counts? A swishing party is a swap shop for the smart set.

"Everyone's swapping now, darling - it's so fashionable".

I nod at the immaculately turned-out girl flipping through hangers in a furious frenzy. I'm at my first swishing party at a beautiful Georgian house in East London.

Swishing is a growing trend, where a gaggle of fashion-loving women get together, feast on nibbles, guzzle wine and swap their clothes. Eco-fabulous recycling at its best.

It says on the invitation that everyone must bring at least one clean, good quality item of clothing to donate to the rails, but people can leave with as many items as they wish. Is this fair if someone brings just one item but sashays away with a handful of designer clothes?

My own donation is a skirt that cost £50 that I've worn once - hopefully someone will love it enough to give it a new home.

Worn again

The dictionary defines swishing as "to rustle, as silk" but Lucy Shea, strategy director of green PR firm Futerra, has applied the term to clothes swapping parties - similar in concept to Tupperware parties of yore.

Bring at least one item of clothing
No claiming items before the swish opens
No fighting over clothes
Women have swapped clothes for eons, and the success of eBay shows that women will happily bid for someone else's cast-offs. But that costs, and swishing is free.

After an hour of browsing - "of course I don't mind if you try this on," says more than one woman through gritted teeth - it's time to swish. All 40 of us step away from the rails as Lucy outlines the rules: "Remember ladies: no scratching, no spitting, no biting. Three, two, one - SWISH."

We all surge forward, a steely glint in many an eye. Several people make a grab for the same top; another two swap high-fives as they clutch their chosen items; and one woman looks devastated as another snatches a green tweed jacket from her hands.

But mostly the party-goers bond as they haggle over clothes. A trio huddle over a royal blue scarf, earnestly discussing whether or not someone with blue eyes suits it. The verdict, eventually, is no.

Reduce, reuse

Geraldine Brennan, a recent arrival from South Africa, is all for swishing. "Why not recycle - it's like passing good energy on. Not only are you saving the planet but you get a new wardrobe."

Why spend £100 on a new pair of shoes when you can come to a swishing party and get them for free?

Lucy Shea
Traid, the textile recycling charity, says 900,000 tonnes of shoes and clothing are thrown away every year in the UK. A clothes swapping party - whether an official swishing event or a DIY affair - can go some way to reducing this total.

Lucy adds although women love to shop, many feel guilty about splashing out on new clothes.

"Swishing parties are particularly significant in the current economic climate - why spend £100 on a new pair of shoes when you can come to a swishing party and get them for free? And, the best thing is you can have some glasses of wine, nibbles and make new friends who like you love fashion."

She has swishing hosted parties in New York as well as London, and says that the Americans are more ruthless than the mild-mannered Brits.

While some leave the party having hit the fashion jackpot, others come away empty-handed - much like a trawl around the High Street, but with the advantage of no cash outlay. As for my skirt, it looks far better on its new owner than it ever did on me. And in exchange, I can now add a silk and lace grey camisole to my wardrobe.

If you are interested in running a swishing party or have been to one - we'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What Are the Local Impacts of Climate Change?

A Public Round Table Discussion...

Environment America and the Richard G. Lugar Center for Renewable Energy at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) will host a public round table event to discuss a recent report released by the U.S. Global Change Research Program on the impacts of climate change in the U.S. Expert speakers will give their reactions to the report and talk about the impacts of climate change from their individual perspectives.

420 University Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Panelists: Bill Keith, President, SunRise Solar
Reverend Mike Mather, Broadway United Methodist Church
Dr. Gabriel Filippelli, Chair, Department of Earth Science, IUPUI
Jimmy Bricker, County Extension Director, Benton County
Representative, Truman National Security Project

Parking and Directions:

Access to report:

LuCinda Hohmann, Environment America: 312-291-0696 x220
Kyle Cline, Richard Lugar Center for Renewable Energy: 317-278-4723

Green Energy NOW!

Hoosier Environmental Council Announces the Launch of our First-Ever Video Contest!

Hoosier Environmental Council has launched a video contest for this summer and fall, coinciding with movement of major energy/global warming legislation in Congress (a historic bill just passed out of the House last week!)

The contest is called Green Energy NOW! and the goal is to find out what Hoosiers are doing to fight global warming in their daily lives and why/how they are advocating for green energy/climate action (personally and/or legislatively) – in new and creative ways (online videos).

Prizes will be awarded for the four videos that are:
- the funniest: $200 prize
- the most creatively produced: $200 prize
- the most thoughtful/well-researched: $200 prize
- the HEC favorite (GRAND prize): $500 prize
- All participants will receive an HEC organic cotton t-shirt and window decal...

You can make your video with a video-camera, a webcam, your cell phone, or post an image slideshow/presentation with music/voiceover. Keep your video under 3 minutes and upload it to the contest's YouTube page:

After you’ve uploaded your video, send your name, contact information (email and phone number) and the title of your video to Ms. Alex Eaks ( We need your info to send you your t-shirt/decal and to notify you if your video is a winner!

The contest begins June 30 and ends August 24; winners will be announced on HEC’s website and the YouTube page on August 31 and contacted personally to arrange receipt of prizes.

For video ideas, software resources, and official contest rules, download these guidelines

Spread the news about this contest to your friends/family. This is a great way to keep the energy/climate conversation going - but in a more creative and personal way. Our relationship with the environment runs deeper than legislation - what's your story?

Hoosier Environmental Council website contest page

Tina Jesson is founder of the British Academy of Solopreneurs

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A New Economic Revolution - Utopia!

By British Writer & Entrepreneur Tina Jesson

I have had the luxury of working from home for the last 10 years, even when I was corporately employed, before setting up my own businesses. I’m certainly 100% more efficient than working from an office and there are other benefits...

It seems to me that with technology being so widely available it doesn’t matter what continent you are on, let along what building you are in, to switch on the laptop or answer the mobile phone.

As more and more people are leaving corporate world and choosing to start up their new business rather than face months on benefits, the environmental benefits will become ever more noticeable.

No more pre packaged lunches, or paper coffee cups or water buts required here, when everything is at hand in the home kitchen. To save costs, home based businesses will automatically reduce the paper in the system as they choose to work online. Web 2.0 technologies means more and more information is stored off site on hosted solutions, taking way the overhead of printing everything out hard copy.

It’s the corporations that will get left behind. Maybe they should be thinking more about right sizing than downsizing and taking the lead from those of us, whose whole way of life needs to change for pure survival.

When you think about it, this new breed of home based business and home based worker means that there’s less over-crowding in our cities, so you can start to get the lifestyle you want and move out of town. It’s like the cottage industries of the pre industrial revolution. With such a movement happening by osmosis, this back to basic living, we may well develop a new utopia. Becoming more self sufficient, not lonely, but part of a truly worldwide community, growing our own veg and having chicken in the run and the windmill in the yard creating energy to feedback in to the grid.

Using technologies and our collective knowledge in a much more cost efficient, energy efficient, global community way. This new economic revolution as President Obama called it. Life will never be quite the same again.

Who says miracles don’t happen?

" - Tina Jesson is the ONLY British female speaker, writer & trainer who helps solo-preneurial businesses to equip them to achieve maximum visibility, in the fastest and most cost efficient way possible."
Author of 'How to Play the Property Game' and 'The Solo-preneurial Marketeer' and founder of the British Academy of Solo-preneurs

Monday, April 20, 2009

Life before the banking system – the art of bartering

Businesses are deciding to trade with each other in a totally new and inventive way - by trading skills and services. Stage left the act of bartering, last seen before coinage and the banking system was even invented. Contra deals and the new practise of swishing is how many small businesses, solo-preneurs and individuals are surviving in a weak economy where the $dollar is illusive.

There have been reports of Website developers are trading website development in exchange of the services of their clients, such as singing lessons or access to a client database; hair dressers swopping a expensive hair treatments for advertising and groups of women trading nearly new outfits with each other.

Shows and events are starting to use conta deals to fill last minute booths, as they find it harder to fill the space by conventional means. A contra deal is based on the whole idea of swapping out one ‘this’ that the other wants needs and values.

Barter Groups are springing up everywhere as companies club together and place a value on time, product and service, to establish a common valuation system which can be traded across the group rather than just one on one so that if they don’t find a direct match for what they want in return, it can be facilitated through the group as a whole.

Using a barter or swapping strategy means that businesses can continue to develop and grow and stay in the running where they might have otherwise fallen along the way side, ceased trading or been prevented from evolving to meet the new economy.

The great thing about the small solo-prereneurial business is the ability to modify the way the business works to accommodate this model in the act of the survival. “Life will find a way" as Jeff Goldblum's character knew too well in Jurassic Park. Business will find a way of sustaining a livelihood.

Give bartering and contra deals, a go. You'll keep busy, get you more growth opportunities AND build some very strong business relationships along the way. The stronger your bond with your potential clients and advocates, the more business you will win. The business with the strongest relationships will take it all.
Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator and

"Tina Jesson is the ONLY British female speaker, writer & trainer who helps solo-preneurial businesses to equip them to achieve maximum 'million dollar visibility', in the fastest and most cost efficient way possible, to achieve ‘client magnet’ status & create more wealth. Don't be the best kept secret - get The Visibility Creator."

Author of 'How to Play the Property Game' and 'The Solo-preneurial Marketeer'
Founder of &
Tina Jesson Enterprises LLC

Monday, March 23, 2009

Personal Case Study Wanted

I'm looking for women aged 35+ who have started their own food production business - i.e. women who grow or make their own food products - it could be an organic veg company, make their own cakes, jams, to sell.

The key is that this has to be a relatively new career for them and that they were doing something different before.

Please respond below with the following details:

Why did you start the business?

Why did you choose this product?

What's been your most challenging issue?

What do you love the most?

How do you promote and advertise?

Remember to add your contact details and website, so we can link back to you


Please share your viewsTina Jesson - The Visibility Creator for free promotion of your business

Home Office Energy & Cost Saving Ideas

With more and more people working from their home office, I am looking at ways to keep costs to a minimum. This includes the best computers, laptops, printers, scanners, routers and office consumables. I am interested in energy saving ideas as well.

Please share your views

Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator for free promotion of your business

Part of Indiana Green Pages, a consumer web site the most comprehensive source of information and customer reviews of local green products and services. Green pages directory is a statewide community effort to help Hoosiers products and services that are health conscious, socially responsible and safe for the environment.

Small Business owners and 'selling' value of 'green'

Business owners of construction and construction-related industry contractors are convincing customers that you can go green while not getting into the red.

How are you marketing 'green' to customers?

As solar panel installations, energy-efficient appliances/renovations, etc., cost money, how do you quantifiably justify and market jobs so customers can see the benefits of savings over time? What cost concerns from customers which you need to overcome to make the sale?
Do you only sell in if the return on investment (ROI) is less than 2 years and what kind of energy saving percentage can you expect to achieve?

Are you finding ‘selling green’ more difficult in this market or are more people green aware and want to consider a greener build?

Please share your views

Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator for free promotion of your business

Part of Indiana Green Pages, a consumer web site the most comprehensive source of information and customer reviews of local green products and services. Green pages directory is a statewide community effort to help Hoosiers products and services that are health conscious, socially responsible and safe for the environment.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Can this Entrepreneur save the postal service?

A 30% sell-off. Huge pension deficits. The use of email rising to unimaginable levels. All signs point to a faltering Royal Mail, and a troubled postal service.

However, a light at the end of the tunnel has emerged, in the form of a revolutionary new concept from Canadian-born entrepreneur, Allan Chester, who lives and works in the United Kingdom. Frustrated by his inability to control his post whilst away, Allan started, for UK residents who needed a way of sending and receiving their mail without actually being in the country. His members may be travelling across all four corners of the earth, but Allan believes his site provides a safe and affordable means of controlling their post.

To some, paper mail is going the way of the dinosaur – but to Allan, it is very much alive. “There will always be a need,” Allan said. “I don’t think that we will ever see a time when we rely completely on email. What about documents that need to be sent via recorded/signed for items, business, financial and legal papers? I believe that my company's services will change the way we all view and respond to our postal mail, alongside our email." Allan finds that people who sign up for a UKPostBox account are able to manage their mail easily and effectively. By harnessing the availability of the Internet, members can view all of their incoming post online, from their homes, offices, cafes and even mobile phones. If desired, their UKPostBox account also allows the customer to read, recycle, shred or respond to the letter from anywhere in the world. Allan said: “This is a postal service that allows people to travel and move freely around the globe, without restriction. It’s completely secure and I know that it will save traditional post from becoming extinct. After all, I have seen the way that this concept has completely changed the way my customers live, do business and keep in touch with their families.” For more information about setting up a UKPostBox account, or the other services the company offers, visit

ENDS________________________________________________________________ Notes for Editors: 1. Allan Chester is Canadian-born, but lives and works in the United Kingdom. He holds dual nationality. 2. is an exclusive service in the UK. 3. The company is already well established and will soon me moving to new, bigger premises. 4. The company is growing rapidly, and new staff will soon be recruited. All press queries should be directed toward: UK Postbox Limited PO Box 7169Poole BH15 4EL Tel: (+44) 0845 474 0817

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Booming in a Recession?
The technology and communications revolution!

So what types of businesses are booming in a recession and where are companies focusing their resources?

Certainly in the UK the Government is ploughing millions of pounds in to training to save the economy and Obama’s $825 billion plan to jump-start the economy and create or save up to 4 million jobs with an additional $102 billion going to help victims of the recession with unemployment insurance, health care, food stamps and job training. (USA Today 15/1/09)

Tina's Training

This backs up my view that with output falling and some firms having to lay-off or go to the shorter working week, companies and individuals will need to spend their free time on education and training so they can keep their heads above water let alone get ahead.

This is good news for training and education businesses. I know of a number of trainers and training companies who, funded through government indicatives, are seeing an increase in business as they attempt to train people back in to jobs.

Even small businesses, entrepreneurial business and consultants are spending their free time in getting as much education as they can while times are tough. It’s the only real way to stand any chance of getting ahead. Everyone seems to be looking for the ‘magic bullet’ that will win the next order and as investment in your own learning is just that – an investment – those who do have a little savings are spending it in this way in the hope it will make them more appealing to companies and clients alike.

As a result this recession will fuel a massive leap forward ‘tomorrows technology’ and in the way people communicate and use technology. More and more people are becoming expert in blogging, social media marketing and use of tools such as YouTube and Second Life for training, marketing and consultancy based businesses.

With small entrepreneurial businesses needing to keep overheads to a minimum, many will choose to work from home and have virtual offices on the web instead of actual premise. I expect that Second Life will be used in a much more business savvy way. The creation of virtual training rooms will be available for staff in large companies to work on at slow times, to suit their companies or to take training in their spare time from the benefit of their own homes.

This will be a technology and communications revolution.

But face to face will still have its place and I predict an increase in local networking groups seeing a rise in membership. Small business owners will come together and work the leads and connections that are available. I have joined 2 new groups in one week alone, and the turn out for these groups is much higher than in previous years. Where in the past, you might become TOO busy to attend, now, with more time being available, people are getting out and making those contacts and forming longstanding relationships with a view to gaining more business. Business is becoming harder to come by and takes more work to find it, targeting and win it.

Another strategy being adopted by many consultants is, ‘let me do the work and pay me AFTER I get you the results’. That takes away the cash flow problem that might be preventing companies from doing things in a new way and only when new business comes in, does the company then pay the consultant for their input. I can see this approach being taken on by many entrepreneurial businesses who work from home and have the advantage of no/low overheads which makes it an option they are able to offer.

Be interesting to get your thoughts on this. Are you an entrepreneurial business or a consultancy that is having to find new ways of doing things. Are you a company who is working with trainers and consultants to get the edge? Please give your views below

Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator
Author, business growth & markting consultant, trainer and speaker.

Starbucks recycle ’shame’

Did you know that Starbucks don’t actually recycle!

Well not as much as you would think and you’ve just got to hear their reasons. Talk about Starbucks passing the buck.

Just think of all those hundreds of milk containers alone from each store which doesn’t recycle, pilling in to land fill and with over 4500 coffeehouses in 47 countries, that’s an enormous amount of land fill. It wouldn’t take long to fill the Grand Canyon!!

A friend of mine works in one Starbucks store. He felt so strongly about the sheer volume of waste NOT being recycled, that he asked the manager if he could take it home to recycle himself.

Now here’s the interesting part. They said no! because of various legal liability etc but because the state doesn’t provide a commercial recycling service, the company says it would be too expensive for them to do it and they actually prevented him from it himself.

In a recent press release on their recycling policy (September 18, 2007) they say…
“Starbucks and RecyclingStarbucks ability to recycle customer and store waste, including cardboard, paper, milk jugs, and organic waste, is dependent on the availability of commercial recycling services where our stores are located. Our policy for Starbucks company-operated stores is that where recycling services are available, stores are expected to recycle. In fact, at the end of fiscal 2006, 79 percent of our U.S. and Canada company-operated stores where Starbucks controls waste and recycling had recycling programs in place, a slight increase over the previous year.

Unfortunately, many local communities that offer comprehensive residential recycling may provide minimal or no commercial recycling, which limits our ability to provide recycling within our stores. In those cases, we encourage our customers to consider taking recyclable items such as glass and plastic bottles with them to recycle outside the store. “

You would have expected that a company the size of Starbucks would actually be able to put enough pressure on local state recycling services to provide the service rather than use it as ‘a get out’ for them ‘not to recycle’. Which brings me back to my friend, who works for in a store where commercial recycling doesn’t exist. If this is Starbucks position, to “encourage our customers to consider taking recyclable items such as glass and plastic bottles with them to recycle outside the store”, why was my friend expressly told he couldn’t do that.

Their mission statement declares…“Our NeighborhoodEvery store is part of a community, and we take our responsibility to be good neighbors seriously. We want to be invited in wherever we do business. We can be a force for positive action— bringing together our partners, customers, and the community to contribute every day. Now we see that our responsibility—and our potential for good—is even larger. The world is looking to Starbucks to set the new standard, yet again. We will lead.”

Come on Starbucks, stop passing the buck. You can lead the way in recycling EVERYTHING!Will they indeed lead the ‘green’ revolution and at least re-cycle within each store? Or will it take the people to rise up and demand it.

And come on local commercial recycling services, aren’t you missing a massive opportunity for your businesses! Don’t you think that if you could win Starbucks business you would win the business of eveyother fast food place too!

I’m sure each State in the USA could put this higher on their priority lists too. I’m convinced there would be more jobs as a result, less waste in land fill and more social responsibility for us all.

If you represent Starbucks, a local State government or commercial waste disposal company, or if you are passionate about our planet and recycling in general, I’d love to hear your views. Time to speak out. Time to make a change.

Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator
Author, business growth & marketing consultant, trainer and speaker.
Husbands Helping Hands

Is your husband a domestic god?! Or are YOU a domestic god! UK daily newspaper is looking for an article in which we take a look at the fact that more men are becoming involved in domestic chores and childcare at home, either because they’re now working more at home or are looking for work as a result of the credit crunch. This will be very light hearted and fun. US newspapers would possibly pick this up too.

“My husband has always been very good around the home, helping in collecting the children from school and doing the weekly shop. He’s very good at the shopping because unlike me, he ONLY buys what’s on the list and when we are watching the expenses, he gets sent out.
He also has ‘his only’ chores like taking out the rubbish/trash, which is great WHEN he remembers.”

Well guys, are you available to more help around the home or are you having to stay at the office longer and work harder because of the recession.

Your case studies are welcome.

Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator

The Recession Is Dead?

An international magazine celebrating the intersection of business and innovation, seeks to change the current dour economic narrative.

Do you agree that the press ALWAYS makes things ‘all doom and gloom?”

Like mushrooms in the dark, innovation tends to sprout during recessions.

We’re seeing it all around us - from the labs brewing diesel from algae, to the guys in the garage building new breeds of tidal turbines and more efficient combustion engines, to the woman in California making sex space suits (oh, and a new type of rocket technology).

History’s repeating itself. Innovation is brimming. So we’d like to skip the moping around part and move right on to kick-ass enterprising.

President Obama noted in his inaugural address that our products and services are needed as much today as they were last week, last month and last year, and that our freedom and prosperity rely on the risk-takers, the doers and the makers of things. Why, then, are we gazing at our collective navels?

Interested in interviewing economists and business leaders for a story on economic optimism. Want to hear some hope. Want reaffirmation in our belief in compassionate capitalism.

Sir Richard Branson has said the recession will provide “massive” opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Many are now seeing setting up in business as an alternative to trying to get hired. I certainly think there is a great opportunity for training and consultancy firms. It’s also a good time to buy property and any asset based company right now if you have cash in the bank.
What do you think?

Tina Jesson – The Visibility Creator

speaker, trainer and consultancy for marketing yourself, your services and your company in a difficult market

What The Media Wants
Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator
I have been creating visibility for businesses and working the press for publicizing my own expertise and my own businesses for over 8 years. I have achieved a massive $1Million worth of press coverage based on column inches and air time that I might have otherwise had to pay for in advertising. I have a policy of NEVER paying for advertising. Not when you know ‘What the Media Wants!’. In this ‘What the Media Wants’ section, you too can benefit, for your own self promotion and that of your business.

I admit it - I am a PR tart! I will do almost anything to get PR for my companies. It’s fun and FREE – but it does take a little time, writing and finding an interesting way to put your message and story across.

Don’t beleave me? Well after being featured on UK TV numerous times, twice on BB1 including Live TV, been an expert of Tonight with Trevor McDonald (the UK equivalent in prestige to Oprah or Larry King) featured in the Wall Street Journal – the European edition (I didn’t even knew there was an European edition, but there I was being quoted on the front page of their property section.) Featured in most of the UK Lifestyle magazines and been on front pages of property sections of the daily Telegraph, Observer and Sunday Times. I’ve even appeared in my underwear for SHE magazine. Now that’s commitment to the cause. How far would you go in getting free PR for you and your business?

I speak to start-up businesses and small companies on ‘How to get a $1million worth of PR with no money down’ and share my personal success ideas on how I achieved that. All backed up with case studies and no absolutely no theory guaranteed.

In the best selling amazon book Teach Yourself How To Get On A TV Show
by Katherine Lapworth, I go in to some detail of how I have been actively sort out as an expert.

What I have learned is PR really does sporn more PR. How did the author find me in the first place?

I have created ‘What the Media Wants!’ as a collection of articles especially written and aimed at the subject matter which the press is actively looking for.

How it works

In this BLOG you will be invited to comment on articles which journalists are actively seeking from both the USA and UK.

By contributing your thoughts, case studies and ideas, and leaving details of who you are and the company/business you represent, the press is more likely to a) pick the article as it is more rounded and contains more views that the view of a single author and b) you and your business gets picked up and promoted too. The article links then get sent out to my freelance friends and journalist contacts. It’s that easy.

Please come back regularly and feel free to contribute. Even if you don’t agree with my ramblings, that’s great, because the press really want to know – it’s ‘What the Media Wants!’

Tina Jesson - The Visibility Creator
Author, business growth expert, consultant, trainer and speaker.

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